Best way to store ammo

Ammo has become increasingly expensive over the past few years. I remember not too long ago when a 20 round box of NATO 5.56 was only $7.99. Well you can almost double that now and that is if you can even find it! Part of that was caused by the COVID scare. Part is also because of the constant attack on manufacturers by the gun grabbers.

Either way many Americans have taken to buying it in bulk. When they find their favorite calibers at a good price they grab it. Some see it as an investment. They shoot enough that it will eventually get used and the prices never go down. Some see it as a future type of currency if the proverbial doodoo hits the fan. Others just buy a little every chance they can get and stock up on it. 

Because I shoot so often and ammo has become scarce in certain calibers I try to stock up on what I can when I can. So what do you do with all of that ammo to keep it reliable and in good form? Here at headquarters I store my ammo a few different ways. But almost always in an ammo can. 

I keep all of my ammo in its original boxes because I don’t always have the same brand or grain for each caliber. This way I know I am moving from one to the other and can keep some consistency. For the most part I store my ammo inside a standard 30 cal or 50 cal ammo can depending on the usual size of the boxes. The important thing is to make sure you keep it in a sealed can and in a cool dry place, not out in a shed in the heat. I put a silicone pack or two inside the can to keep humidity from building up also.

I’ve got each of the cans marked with its own caliber stenciled on the outside. That way I know what I have in each can. I also take it a step further and keep a total count written down on a note card at the top of the can. This lets me easily keep track of what I have on hand. The only time I don’t keep the rounds in their original packaging is for 5.56 ammo. I remove it from the original packaging and then put it on stripper clips for easy loading into my magazines with a speed loader. 

Take the time to store ammo the right way. No matter what your reason for stocking up, you still want it to work when it comes time to shoot it. 

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Y’all stay safe out there! 

Categories: Ammo