Do I need to take an LTC Refresher Course when I renew in Texas?
If you are reading this article, then odds are you are in the process of renewing your LTC in Texas or if you’re like me you just like to stay on top of things. That also means that you are at a minimum in your second year of having your License to Carry in Texas. It is also possible that laws have changed since you last took the course. When Texas moved to a Constitutional Carry State in 2021 some of the laws changed.
Luckily for Texans those laws became less restrictive for Texas citizens who have an LTC. You now have a few advantages as to where they can legally carry over permitless citizens. In addition to new laws and places that you can carry it is worth brushing up on your knowledge. There are new signs like a 30.05 sign. That sign doesn’t really apply to you as LTC but you might not know what it means.
Maybe you missed some of the details in your original class. Perhaps the instructor didn’t cover it or maybe you just forgot some of it. How long has it been since you took your LTC class for the State of Texas? The laws have likely changed.
The good news is there is a very inexpensive and easy way to get new information and updates. You can click on this link Online LTC Refresher Course – 12thGun LTC and Instruction and enroll for a great refresher course. Laws constantly change and here at we want to make sure that you have the most accurate and up to date information about what is legal and what isn’t.
As long as you have kept your license up to date and have not let it lapse for more than 12 months you are not required to take a refresher course to renew. You simply need to log on to the Texas DPS site, complete their process, and pay the fees. In a few days to weeks you will get your renewed license in the mail.
Remember though just because you are not required to take a refresher doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit from it. Do yourself a big favor, make the effort to understand the laws. Know your rights before you have to use your firearm.
Y’all stay safe out there